Religious sciences course

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This course offers an outline of the main theological elements where theology is intended as a study on religion and its connections to philosophy and human sciences. It consists of a three-year course + two-year specialization


Three-year course. It qualifies for a Baccalaureate in Religious Sciences.
The course gives a basic knowledge on the main questions regarding the human being in the light of Christian Revelation and in connection with philosophy and human sciences.

Two-year post-graduation course. It confers the Licentia in Religious Sciences.
The Superior Institutes of Religious Sciences offer various post-graduation courses. All two-year courses offer pedagogic-didactic learning preparing teachers of catholic religion. Other orientations and learnings aim at forming people ready to serve Christian community and society. They are operators in diocesan offices and in pastoral life. They contribute as well to organize media and to help in various social situations.
This course is available in the Superior Institutes of Religious Sciences connected to the Faculty network.



(Click on the institute name and open the web site)

ISSR “Giovanni Paolo I” in Belluno-Feltre, Treviso, Vittorio Veneto

ISSR of Bolzano-Bressanone

ISSR “Santi Ermagora e Fortunato” in Gorizia, Trieste, Udine

IRSS of Padova

ISSR “Romano Guardini” in Trento

ISSR “San Pietro Martire” in Verona

ISSR “Mons. Arnoldo Onisto” in Vicenza


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