Faculty network

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Our faculty connects a number of diversified theological institutes seated in Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Trentino Alto Adige. The main faculty commitment is to connect these realities ensuring homogeneity in research, method and working teams while safeguarding their specificity.
This web structure allows to pursue common aims and to ensure a better rationalization of resources and tasks. Finally it guarantees the high scientific levels of these theological institutes.

Every year all over Triveneto the Faculty welcomes 1700 students and about 300 teachers lecture here.

The seat of Padua offers the complete course of theological studies (bachelor’s degree, licenciate, doctorate). In the other associated institutes students may obtain the bachelor’s degree (for seminarians only). In the associated ISSR institutes they can achieve graduation and master graduation.

The CENTRAL SEAT is in Padua.


(For seminarians’ formation only)

• Concordia-Pordenone – Studio teologico “Card. Celso Costantini”
• Gorizia-Trieste-Udine – Studio teologico interdiocesano
• Trento – Studio teologico accademico tridentino
• Treviso-Vittorio Veneto – Studio teologico interdiocesano
• Verona – Studio teologico “San Zeno”
• Vicenza – Studio teologico

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