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Laymen and laywomen, member of religious orders and clergymen can be admitted as students to FTTR. Students may enter the following categories: ordinary, extraordinary, guest students and auditors.

ORDINARY STUDENTS. They aim to academic degrees. They shall attend all courses and pass all proofs and tests. They cannot be registered to any other either laic or ecclesiastical university.

EXTRAORDINARY STUDENTS. They shall attend all subjects and pass all proofs and tests after the Director’s admission even without the school qualifications entitling to enrolment and registration.

AUDITORS. With the Director’s permission they will attend only a limited number of courses and will not enjoy the status of ordinary students. They can register for the exams of the attended courses.

GUEST STUDENTS. On request of the Director of their institute, the Cycle Director will allow them to attend courses differing from those they attend as ordinary students.
All students shall attend the scheduled courses.



The admission process for prospective students includes document delivery, interview with the cycle director, payment of academic fees.

List of documents to be delivered:
1. Enrolment form (personal data) either forwarded by the secretariat or unloaded on line;
2. Qualifications and grades previously obtained (high-school diploma, bachelor’s degree or licenciate). The certificate will be kept in the Registrar office during the registration time. This document is not required for auditors and guest students;
3. Four photos signed on the back (two for second and third Cycle students);
4. Copy of identity document and fiscal code;
5. Certificate of exams to be homologated

Additional documents for foreign and non catholic students:

A. Foreign students
1. Certificate of good knowledge of the Italian language
2. Translation of school qualifications required for University registration in the student’s Country
3. Certification of the school years necessary to achieve this qualification in the student’s Country; the student’s certificate valid for university registration in his Country.
4. Residency permit released by the Italian authorities
5. Copy of visa or identity card
6. Domicile certificate compatible with courses attendance
7. Laymen and laywomen must certify they can provide to their board and lodgings and medical expenses while staying in Italy
8. Clerics and religious persons without residency permit may be registered with an introduction letter by their bishop or general superior.

B. NON CATHOLIC STUDENTS or coming from non-catholic theological faculties
– When an introduction letter from the religious authorities is not available, an interview with the Dean/Cycle Director is required
– The registration to the second cycle requires a qualification corresponding to the bachelor’s degree and an oral test on the fundamental themes of catholic theology, according to the requirements of the second Cycle Director.

Documents are to be delivered during the secretariat office hours:
First cycle
Tuesday 9.30 – 12.30 a.m.; 3.00 – 6.00 p.m.
Wednesday 9.30 – 12.30 a.m.
Thursday 9.30 – 12.30 a.m.; 3.00 – 6.00 p.m.
Friday 9.30 – 12.30 a.m.
Second cycle
Tuesday and Wednesday 9.30-12.30 a.m.; 3.00-6.00 p.m.
Thursday 9.00 – 12.30 a.m.

Interview with the Dean/Director

1. An introduction letter must be presented; for religious people it will be signed by the General Superior; for laymen and laywomen it will be signed by an ecclesiastical authority
2. The enrolment form is presented to the Director who will sign the course registration
3. Homologation of proofs and tests passed in other ecclesiastical or civilian institutes
4. Approval of the study plan

Fee payment

1. Fee payment activates the registration according to the rules of the Academic Yearbook (clic here)
2. Tuition payment presented to the Secretariat
Annual fees for the 1st and 2nd cycle may be paid in two six-month installments: first installment dead line October 15th 2018
second installment dead line February 17th 2019
Registration fee must be paid with the 1st installment.

Registration fee and annual doctorate fee will be paid within October 15th 2018.



Already enrolled students are required to:

1. Fill the registration form which will be signed by the Director
2. Payment of registration fee and of annual fee.

Changes in personal records (residence, mail address, telephone number and other data) must be communicated to the Secretariat when registering to the following years.

All application forms may be logged out at the Section MODULISTICA/ FORMS SECTION (clic here).

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